Philippa Burton

Philippa Burton is an emerging artist and contemporary image maker based in Geelong and Melbourne and is a second year Bachelor of Creative Arts (Photography) student at Deakin University. Through her practice, she has developed an interested in representing the layers of human consciousness in relation to the intricacies of how we individually interact and interpret these intimate details.

Philippa’s photograph “Resilient” stems from that sense of resilience we hold close during uncertain times in order to emerge stronger out the other side. It is an image that seeks to encapsulate a moment in our shared history, that of vulnerability, the feelings of claustrophobia through confinement and of spaces that bereft from the loss of tactile intimacy. Philippa takes inspiration from British artist Gillian Wearing’s Signs series (1992-3) and London-based Australian artist Chantal Faust, whose photographic practices explore the mechanics of visions through the use of flat-bed scanners.